Matthew J. Holden

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Matt is a proud Boise, Idaho native who enjoys skiing, golfing, running in the foothills, live music, Gonzaga basketball, Boise State football and basketball, Oregon State football and basketball, and spending time with his family. 

Matt attended Gonzaga Law School in Spokane, WA, for his law degree, and Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, CA, for an additional year to earn his Masters in Tax Law.  Matt has lived in Oregon, Colorado, Washington, and California, but eventually his love of Boise, Idaho and his family brought him back home for good in 2010. 

Matt’s law practice specializes in the areas of Family Law and Estate Planning matters, but he often takes on other legal matters that come up for his clients.


Gonzaga Law School

Spokane, WA

Juris Doctorate (J.D.)

Loyola Law School

Los Angeles, CA

Masters in Tax Law (LL.M)

Oregon State University

Corvallis, OR

B.S. in Business Finance